From Food To Culture

***Summer deal***: Od 6. června do 31. července 2022 dostane každý zákazník, který se přijde najíst nebo koupí s sebou, zdarma plechovku coca coly/fanty/pepsi/kofoly nebo studený čaj nestea/lipton. Akce se vztahuje pouze na hlavní jídla, nikoliv na přílohy, dezerty a přílohy. Bude nám potěšením Vás obsloužit.
From 6/6/2022 to 31/7/2022, the restaurant would like to offer each customer (including take away) one free can of coca cola/ fanta/ pepsi/ kofola or one glass of ice nestea/Liptop. This is applied for the main dishes only, not for starters, dessert or side dishes. Thank you very much and enjoy your meal.
Little Hanoi In Prague
The Restaurant, offers Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine

Do you know?
Beef/Chicken PHO - Special Cuisine from The North
Rice Noodles with sliced beef/chicken in beef broth
145 CZK
Bun Bo Hue - Special Cuisine from The Middle
145 CZK
Bun Bo Nam Bo - Special Cuisine from The South
Mix of rice noodles with beef
145 CZK

Organize your own event with us
Please book your event 5 days in advance for better preparation
Book a table with us
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Saturday - Sunday: 11:00 - 22:00
Hanoi Restaurant
Slezská 981/57, 130 00 Praha 3
+420 728 774 637